GETTING IN: Establishing a Relationship.

As I mentioned in the section on The Temporal Order, all relationships will go through a “before”; a “during”; and an “after” stage/ phase. There are no exceptions to this rule. In that chapter I also discussed how each of these stages is guided by a particular logic that is independent of the other stages /phases. In other words, establishing a relationship requires a separate and distinct skill set to successfully navigate through it than does both the “maintaining” and the “breakup” stages of a relationship. Each of these stages of a relationship requires a separate and distinctive skill set to successfully navigate through it.  

This section contains chapters on how to successfully navigate through establishing, or getting into a relationship. This skill set is entirely different from effectively maintaining and / or successfully surviving breaking up a relationship. Each of the three phases of a relationship requires a complete different understanding of how to get through each of these them. Thus, my goal in this section is to guide readers through this “getting into” a relationship stage/ phase. I will do the same for both the sections on maintaining and breaking up a relationship.  

 Navigate each of the chapters on ESTABLISHING a relationship from the links below.

  1. Should You Always Start Off On Your Best Behavior?
  2. “Like” Can Lead To “Hate”; “Dislike” Can Lead to “Love”.
  3. When You Date/ Marry, You Also Date/ Marry Friends and Family.
  4. You May Have To Kiss a Few Frogs Before You Find a Prince.
  5. Understanding Your Competition: They May Actually Be a Hidden Ally.
  6. “Settling” versus Patience: You Can’t Rush A Good Thing.
  7. Does Your Soul Mate Have To Look Like a Supermodel?
  8. Online Dating: Is there a Big Difference?
  9. Does Age Matter? (Been There; Done That)
  10. No One Wants To Date a Nun Or An Altar Boy.
  11. I Can Only Fall in Love Backwards.