Your Head on a Swivel: Just When You Let Down Your Guard- BAM!

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The title to this chapter seems to suggest something in the realm of the impossible. You’re probably asking yourself, how can anyone be prepared to deal with any unexpected social phenomenon? After all, if something is unexpected, then by definition no plans can be prepared for any such contingency. Quite simply, they cannot.

Preparing for something that one has no clue is coming wouldn’t fit under the rubric of the “unexpected.” What I mean by this is that no matter how much a person involved with a breakup plans and prepares for any type of hypothetical contingency dealing with their ex, somewhere, somehow, something related to their breakup is going to catch them off guard. Thus, despite the oxymoron-sounding title, if you think about what I’m suggesting here, this chapter will make sense. So my strongest advice is to prepare for the unexpected: keep an open mind about what will catch you off guard during a breakup.  

The chapter  Prepare For the Unexpected: Keep An Open Mind contains a vignette (short story) that will help illustrate the pint I am trying to make. I suggest that you take the moral of the story to heart as you will likely experience something similar to this during your breakup.